How to integrate Google Analytics in WordPress


Successful campaigns are based on data. You can target and convert targets into leads with your marketing campaigns if you have detailed data on website visitors. Google Analytics helps you with analyzing visitor trends, traffic sources, and user interests, helping you focus on our growing content for maximum reach. In this article, you will learn how to integrate Google Analytics into WordPress.

Integrating Google Analytics into your WordPress website enables you to make data-driven decisions and efficiently improve your content. In this article, we’ll look at how to integrate Google Analytics in WordPress using plugins and manually, and how to get and use WordPress analytics.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that enables marketers, analysts, and website owners to monitor and evaluate numerous aspects of the performance of their websites. It offers insightful information about audience demographics, user behavior, and the success of online marketing efforts. Google Analytics is a popular tool for optimizing websites, increasing user experience, and making data-driven decisions.

how to integrate Google Analytics in WordPress with a plugin

To integrate Google Analytics using a WordPress plugin, follow these steps:

Choosing the Right Plugin

  • First of all, choose a reliable plugin for embedding Google Analytics. The most notable choices are MonsterInsights, Analytify, Google Site Kit, and GA Google Analytics.
  • Open the WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New, and enter your selected plugin.

We are using the Site Kit by Google plugin here, but feel free to select whatever you want.

Activating the Plugin

  • When you have selected the plugin, choose the Install Now button.
  • Activate the plugin to make it operational on your WordPress site.
Activating the Sit Kit Plugin

Setting up Site Kit

  • Go to the settings or the configuration page of the plugin.
  • Look for an option Google Analytics or Analytics Settings.
  • Authenticate using your Google account and follow the instructions to establish a connection between your website and Google Analytics.

View Analytics Data in WordPress

  • Once set up, you may access Google Analytics data directly from your WordPress dashboard.
  • This allows you to keep track of your website’s traffic, user activity, and other key information without leaving the WordPress dashboard.

Ensure Regular Updates

  • Keep your chosen plugin up-to-date to take advantage of the most recent features and security improvements.
  • Check your Google Analytics account regularly for updates or notifications.

Integrate Google Analytics to WordPress manually

integrate google analytics in wordpress

Follow these steps to integrate Google Analytics in Wordpress without a plugin, giving you complete control over the tracking code insertion.

How do I get the Google Analytics code?

To get the Google Analytics tracking code for your site, complete these steps:

1. Sign up for Google Analytics:

Sign up for a Google Analytics account if you don’t already have one. Go to the Google Analytics website and select the Start for Free option.

Sign up for Google Analytics:

2. Create a new Property:

Once you’ve signed in, go to the Admin tab in the lower-left corner. Choose the account to which you want to add the property from the “Account” column. The + Create Property button should be clicked.


3. Configure the property:

Enter the information requested for your property, such as the reporting time zone, industry category, website name, and URL.


4. Select a platform:

Choose the most relevant platform (website, mobile app, or both) for your property.

5. Get the tracking code:

After adding the property, you will be taken to a page with your tracking code. The tracking code is a JavaScript snippet that must be included on each page of your website to allow Google Analytics tracking.


6. Copy the tracking code:

Copy the whole tracking code displayed on the page. It often appears as a JavaScript code block beginning with <script>.


Accessing Your WordPress Theme Files

  • Access the Theme Editor under Appearance in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Find the “header.php” theme file on the right side and click on it. This file is used to add code to your website’s header section.
Accessing Your WordPress Theme Files

Inserting the Tracking Code

  • Find the <head> tag in the “header.php” file.
  • Copy and paste the Google Analytics tracking code before the </head> closing component.
  • Save the changes you made.
Inserting the Tracking Code

Verify the Integration

  • Go back to your Google Analytics account to confirm a successful integration.
  • Check to see if your website is registering active users by going to Realtime > Overview.


  • Check the “header.php” file again to make sure the tracking code is present if you experience tracking problems or data inconsistencies.
  • Examine the tracking code for any typos or syntactical mistakes.


Integrating Google Analytics with WordPress provides access to useful insights. Whether you choose manual integration or plugins, the goal is to have access to data that can help guide strategic decisions, optimize content strategies, and ultimately improve the user experience on your WordPress site.


How do I see WordPress analytics with the plugin?

To view WordPress site analytics, Open your Google Analytics property, then go home to see traffic insights (you can also use filters), reports, and much more.

Where do I insert the Google Analytics code?

To insert the Google Analytics code into WordPress, there are two ways
Not using a plugin: Insert the tracking code before the closing </head> tag in the “header.php” file.
Using a Plugin: If you prefer to use a plugin, try MonsterInsights or GA Google Analytics. Connect the plugin to your Google Analytics account, and add the tracking code to your website using the instructions in the plugin setup.

Why is Google Analytics important?

Integrating Google Analytics is essential to comprehending the functionality of your website. It helps with data-driven decision-making for a better user experience by offering insightful information on traffic sources, visitor behavior, and other related topics.

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