103 Early Hints – HTTP Status Code Explained


HTTP status codes serve as essential signals, guiding the interaction between servers and clients. Among these codes, the relatively new 103 Early Hints stands out, offering a unique mechanism to improve web performance and user experience. But what exactly is this HTTP 103 status code, and how does it work? In this blog post, we will delve into the 103 Early Hints code. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just beginning your journey, understanding this innovative status code will equip you with the knowledge to enhance your web projects.

What is 103?

103 Early Hints

103 Early Hints is a relatively new HTTP status code that was created to improve web speed by providing clients with advanced information on the resources they would need to load. It serves as a prelude to the server’s final response, letting clients begin processing critical information before the server has finished producing the full response. The purpose of HTTP 103 is to improve the loading time of web pages.

How Does 103 Early Hints Work?

When a client sends a request to a server, the server can respond with a 103 Early Hints status code and headers indicating which resources the client should start downloading. This early response is sent before the server generates the entire response body. When the server has completed processing the request, it provides the final response, which normally includes a standard status code.

Benefits of 103 Early Hints

  • Improved Performance: By allowing clients to access key resources earlier, 103 Early Hints can reduce page load times and improve user experience.
  • Asynchronous Processing: This status code allows asynchronous processing, allowing clients to download resources while the server finishes the response.
  • Optimized Resource Loading: Early Hints help in optimizing the resource loading sequence, ensuring that critical elements are prioritized and loaded first.

Implementing 103 Early Hints

To implement and optimize 103 Early Hints, use specific strategies. These strategies are used to increase web page loading performance.

Server Configuration

To begin using HTTP 103 Early Hints, set up your server to support and send these early responses. Here are the setups for some common web servers:

1. Ngnix

To enable Early Hints in Nginx, add a configuration to your server block. As of the most recent upgrades, Nginx now supports Early Hints through third-party modules. Here’s one example of how to configure it:

server {    listen 80;    server_name example.com;
    location / {        if ($request_uri ~* ^/$) {            add_header Link ‘</styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style’, ‘</script.js>; rel=preload; as=script’;            return 103;        }
        # Serve the final response        proxy_pass http://backend;    }}

2. Apache

To configure Early Hints in Apache, make sure that your version of Apache supports them. This is a basic configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>    ServerName example.com
    <Location />        Header always set Link “</styles.css>; rel=preload; as=style”        Header always set Link “</script.js>; rel=preload; as=script”        Redirect 103 /    </Location>
    # Final response configuration    ProxyPass / http://backend/    ProxyPassReverse / http://backend/</VirtualHost>

Client-Side Handling

Ensure that your client-side code can effectively comprehend and apply the Early Hints. Most modern browsers accept Early Hints, but it’s a good idea to check for and resolve any potential compatibility issues.

1. Verifying Browser Support

You can test for support in the browser console by sending a request to see if the Early Hints are recognized:

fetch(‘https://example.com’)    .then(response => {        console.log(‘Headers:’, response.headers);    });

2. Handling Early Hints in the Client Code

While the browser normally supports Early Hints automatically, you should ensure that your scripts and styles are designed to load quickly. This involves:

  • Keep blocking resources to a minimum at the head of your HTML.
  • Using rel=preload links in your server response ensures that vital resources are loaded as quickly as feasible.

Testing and Optimization.

After configuring your server and ensuring client-side compatibility, thoroughly test the implementation.

1. Performance Testing

To determine the impact of Early Hints on page load speeds, use tools such as Google Lighthouse, WebPageTest, or your browser’s built-in performance profiling tools.

2. Monitoring and Iteration:

Monitor performance data regularly and make improvements as necessary. Ensure that the Early Hints configuration is optimal and that key resources are properly prioritized.

For more detailed troubleshooting steps and solutions, check out our comprehensive guide.


Early Hints emerges as an effective tool for web developers looking to improve website performance. It uses server wait time to pre-load important resources, resulting in a smoother and faster user experience. Its implementation is simple and provides benefits such as improved resource prioritization and efficient network usage. Early Hints has enormous potential for websites looking to gain a competitive advantage in perceived loading speed.

How does HTTP 103 Early Hints enhance web performance?

HTTP 103 allows clients to begin retrieving and processing important resources (such as stylesheets and scripts) before the full server response is completed by delivering critical resource hints early. This decreases latency and speeds the rendering process.

Which web servers implement HTTP 103: Early Hints?

Popular web servers, such as Nginx and Apache, support HTTP 103 Early Hints, but specific configurations may be necessary. Check your server’s documentation to ensure it supports this capability.

Does every browser support HTTP 103 Early Hints?

Most recent browsers accept HTTP 103 Early Hints, but it’s always a good idea to test compatibility and address any potential concerns in your client-side code.

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